Friday, September 30, 2011


September, 2011

Striking a pose at Kate's "Molly Ringwald" Birthday Party

September was a pretty full month!

Kate spent two and a half weeks in Antigua, Guatamala at a language emersion program touching up on her Spanish and getting back to her Central American roots....even though she grew up in Bakersfield! She will have pictures to come soon!

Mark has been working at the University of the Rockies for the last 11 months and is getting ready to transition into another job pretty soon! ...We found out a few weeks ago that Mark will be looking for a new job because his company is relocating to another state.....that we will not be following :-)...So a new job is in the near future!

Mark will also be starting on a second Masters Degree at University of the Rockies in mid October...He's pretty dang excited about it...considering at one time he wasn't sure if he would ever graduate high school. He's also starting to do some Personal Training on the side to help feed his coaching fix!

For now, Kate is back to the awesome life as a Substitute Teacher and taking spanish assignments to continue to work on her craft.

We're still living in a sweet little house in Normal Heights that we love!

Much love!
      The Brewers